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Cordelia Tri-Valley Little League

Local rules are not necessarily different than Little League rules. Rather, they are intended to clarify CTVLL’S position on certain rules and procedures, some which are identical to Little League regulations and some which may vary.
14:01     BALKS* No balks called

In all divisions, the fielders may say, "Hey batter-batter", etc., but MAY NOT refer to the batter by name or say phrases using some part of the batter's name. No chatter will commence while the pitcher is pitching. The batting team's bench may refer to the pitcher BY POSITION ONLY (i.e., “Rock the pitcher", etc.) In both cases, the chatter must be adjudged as 'continuous', and not commenced as the pitcher delivers the pitch or as the ball arrives at the plate, where the intent is to distract the opposing player. If in the umpire's judgment the chatter is so designed, both benches will be given a warning. The second offense will result in player removal.

14:03  Other behavior not conforming to proper standards and good sportsmanship such as rattling fences, jumping up and down on the benches, etc. will not be permitted.

14:04             MISCELLANEOUS
14:04:01     All lineup changes & substitutions go through the umpire.
14:04:02      Pitchers can be warmed up by a Coach or player (with mask and cup) if catcher is not ready. (Juniors, Intermediate, Majors & Minors)
14:04:03        No manager or coach on field during play unless time-out granted.
14:04:04     Only the manager can call time to discuss rule interpretations with umpire.
14:04:05        Stay in dugout; (inside doorway with the gates closed)
14:04:06         Automatic Player Ejection - (no warning); Profanity, blatantly throwing equipment, taunting opponent.
14:05             TWO HOUR TIME LIMIT
1. Enforced on Saturday games that precede another game. No new inning started after 2 hr. mark - an inning is considered to begin immediately following the third out of the previous inning. Not enforced if the final game of the day or weekday games. A weekday game should be called early for weather; darkness; or 15/10/8-run rule.
2. Not enforced on weekday for Juniors/50:70/Majors/AAA games
14:06            DARKNESS RULE
14:06:01       The Umpire-in-chief will determine the fitness of play. Umpire may announce "Last inning - my call!", and inning will be finished, darkness permitting, or call the game due to darkness without any prior warning. Umpire's decision is final - no appeal. If the inning is not completed due to darkness, the score will revert to the last completed inning, provided it is a regulation game. If it is not a regulation game, it will be finished prior to the start of the next scheduled game between the two teams.
14:08            RUN RULE 
Majors/AAA Minors/50-70/Juniors- Will be enforced, 15 runs after 3 innings or 10 runs after 4 innings or 8 runs after 5 innings. (Or the half inning if home team is ahead)

        Majors - Players must be minimum age "Little League 10."
14:08:02        AAA - Player must be minimum age "Little League 9."
14:08:03          No Leap frogging divisions, once a player registers with CTVLL they must go through each division consecutively, unless that player skips a spring season.
14:10        AA The Farm director assesses all players with input from the Player Agent if needed. The major and minor managers will assess all players participating in the evaluation and draft accordingly. Once a player has played in a division, they cannot go back a division. (spring)
14:11              Majors/AAA/AA BATTING- will bat in a continuous batting order.
14:11:01         Should a team with fewer number of players have a player(s) show up for play after the start of the game, those players shall enter the batting lineup at the end of the order.
14:11:02        Majors/AAA- minimum play for players is 6 consecutive outs before substitution.
14:11:03          Majors/AAA- Every player must play 2 complete games within the regular season. Manger is responsible for supplying documentation if requested by Board of Directors
14:11:04         Any player not achieving the minimum play in any division must play the next regularly scheduled game without substitution. The only exception to this rule is if the Run Rule or Darkness Rule applies.
14:12             RESCHEDULING GAMES
14:12:01        Rain outs Games rained out prior to their scheduled start will be made up on a Sunday if Necessary. The only exceptions to this will be Easter, Mother's Day, and the Sunday of Memorial Day Weekend. Multiple games rained out during the week that prevent this format from being followed will be rescheduled at the discretion of the Officers of the Board. Tee ball, Coach Pitch (A), AA games will typically not be made up.
14:12:02         Teams in all divisions are allowed to start and play a game with a minimum of 8 players and 1 manager or coach. If the 9th player arrives after the start of the game, that player may enter the 9th spot of the batting order for the remainder of the game.
14:13             Replacements (Pool Players)
14:13:01         CTVLL will utilize a “Player Pool” system when a team is unable to field 9 players for a given game. A “Player Pool” is made up of players, which may be of varying skill levels, from other teams within the same division (except Juniors/50-70) who have elected to play as temporary, replacement players. Players may elect to participate in the “Player Pool” at any point during the season. Players wishing to participate must notify the Player Agent with their respective contact information. The Player Agent shall keep the list of the names of these players in order to assign players as needed. Only the Player Agent has the ability to assign players from the Player Pool.
14:13:02       Pool-players must wear their regular team uniform.
14:13:03         Pool-players must bat last in the posted lineup.
14:13:04          Pool-players may play any position other than pitcher or catcher.
14:13:05          Pool-players must play the entire game.
14:13:06         Managers may only request a pool-player when they are fielding fewer than 9 players for a given game.
14:13:07         Managers must notify the Player Agent should they choose to utilize a pool player. Once notified, the Player Agent will contact the player pool. Once contact is made and availability confirmed, the Player Agent will notify the manager of the pool player’s name and confirm that player will be at the place and time scheduled for that game. The manager may not choose their pool player.
14:13:08        In the event a pool player is requested, and that player arrives on time to the game, the manager must play the pool player, even if he rostered player that was initially thought to be absent from that game shows up.
14:13:09        A pool player may be used for 1 game only. If additional games require replacement players, a separate request must be made to the Player Agent and the next player up in the player pool will be contacted. At no time will the manager attempt to contact a pool player to play in a game
14:14             REPLACEMENTS (Long term Regular Season)
14:14:01        Replacements shall be handled as specified in the Little League Operating Manual. The manager of the team losing a player shall promptly advise the Player Agent. The Player Agent shall advise the President and the Board. If a team loses any player on the roster during the current season through illness, injury, change of address, or other justifiable reasons (subject to Board Approval), another player shall be obtained through the player agent, to replace the one lost. The playing ability of a player shall not be considered a justifiable reason for replacement. If loss of player is approved, the President will send a letter of release (if necessary) to the player and the parents stating the player is released from the team and the league for a justifiable reason. This action creates a legal opening for a replacement on the team roster. The manager shall review the available player list with the Player Agent and shall select a replacement. The manager shall not contact any replacement player until instructed to do so, by the Player Agent. Any violation of this section may result in the nullification of the replacement player and/or disciplinary action against the manager.
14:14:02         Once the Majors draft is completed a replacement list will be created from the 10 and 11-year old’s who were evaluated at a CTVLL-approved evaluation and eligible to play in the Majors division. Players on this list will be eligible to be drafted up to Majors if a roster spot opens. The list will be updated as needed during the season.
14:13:03        Players from the replacement list will be required to move up to the Majors Division if selected. If the parents of the player, unless the player is the son/daughter of a team manager or two registered coaches, do not allow that player to move up, he/she will be ineligible for post season play. Post season will be defined as, Tournament of Champions (“TOC”). If movement needs to happen within the last three weeks of the scheduled season (Including league playoffs) this is null and void.
14:15               LATE SIGN UPS/Waitlist
Late sign-ups will be permitted based on division and availability of openings.
14:16               ILLNESS DURING GAME Should a player become ill during a game and become unable to play, he or she cannot re-enter that game. If they have not satisfied their minimum participation requirements, they are subject to Little League rules governing such for the next immediate game.
A player may be dropped from a league team roster under the following conditions:
A. The player has a medical problem and cannot play, supported by a doctor's statement.
B. The player has moved out of the league boundaries and will not continue with CTVLL
C. The player resigns from CTVLL in writing.
D. The player does not attend practices or games or is disciplined with notification of appropriate Player Agent followed by approval of Board of  Directors.

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Cordelia Tri-Valley Little League

5055 Business Center Drive, 108-192
Fairfield, California 94534

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